Maqlu (Hoření), 5. část

8.9. 2018, Creature live art festival, Kaunas (Litva)
Foto Airida Rekšytė a Aldas Kvasciauskas

Spálit důkazy. Spálit sebe. Série „Maqlu“ zpracovává starobabylonský text, který má devět destiček: každá performance se zabývá jednou z nich. Jde o rituální ochranný text, jehož cílem je odvrátit nepříznivé okolnosti. Každou destičku pojímám v jiném stylu, odkazuji se na jinou duchovní tradici. Na konci performance mohou diváci spálit nějakou drobnost, která symbolizuje to, čeho se chtějí v životě zbavit. Vždy jde o site specific akci pro konkrétní prostor.

O warlock and witch, O sorcerer and sorceress, whose heart conceived evil, who sought out evil sorcery, who bound my knees with accused incantitions,

To break my spell and my enchantment, I turned to the word of Ea and Asariludu and the firegog Girra!

Who are you, sorceress, who worked magick continuously for three months and ten and half days?

I raised the chicory, the pride of the mountains, thyme, the prepared food for earth, acorn, acorn of the hierodul, pinecone, piconecone, which is full of seeds.

I want to break their knots, turn their tricks into storm wind, turn word to wind!

Upon the order of Ištar, Tammuz, Nanaya, the Mistress of Love, and Kanisurra, the Mistress of Sorceresses.

The hate that you have created through your magic, you have created against yourself. Also the injustice you have created, you have created against yourself, the kushunga you have created, you have created against yourself, the calumny you have created, you have created against yourself!

The evil God, you have let him seize me, may the evil God seize you! Lamaštu, Labasu, the Grabber, you have let them seize me, may Lamaštu, Labasu and the Grabber seize you!

The Lilu, the Lilitu, the Night-maid, you have let them seize me, may the Lilu, the Lilitu seize you! You want to destroy me through oath and proclamation; may your body find its end through oath and proclamation!

I disperse your sorcery, send your word back into your mouth! The sorceress and the great sorceress, may her magic sting like mint! May her magic scratch her like saffron! May her magic penetrate her like mustard!

In the spring water I have calmed your heart, I have soothed your angry liver; I drove away your heated temper; I confused your mind; I destroyed your plans, I burned your spells, I have numbed your hearts.

The Tigris and Euphrates, you will not cross! The mout and canal, you will not pass! You will not climb over the inner or outher wall! Your spells will not come close to me! Your word will not reach me!

You shall indeed be cast from my body!

Enlil is my head, the day my face.